Overview: This dynamic IoT Dashboard is designed to provide real-time monitoring and analytics for various sensor data collected from IoT devices.
Technology Stack: The dashboard is built using a combination of advanced web technologies, including D3.js for data visualization, Leaflet for mapping, and a SQL server for backend data storage.
D3.js: Utilized for creating responsive and dynamic gauges and charts that display sensor data like temperature, humidity, ambient light, and battery voltage.
Leaflet: Integrated to display the real-time geographical location of each IoT device on an interactive map.
SQL Server: Used for robust and scalable storage of sensor data. The server is accessed using PHP to fetch and update records.
Google API: Leverages Google's Geolocation API to determine the location of devices based on nearby WiFi access points.
Device Selection: A dropdown menu enables the user to select which device's data they would like to view.
Responsiveness: The dashboard layout is fully responsive, making it accessible on various devices and screen sizes.
Security: Implemented best practices to secure the data communication between the IoT devices and the dashboard.
Future Enhancements: Plans include the integration of machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics and automated alerts for anomaly detection.